Kung fu training for kids!
The focus of the program is:
To create an inclusive and safe workgroup for children focused on learning authentic Ving Tsun Kung Fu values and techniques.
What children will learn:
Self - Awareness.
Defense Applications and Conditioning.
Balance, Relaxation, and Focus.
Ving Tsung Theory.
Kung Fu Culture and History.
How to be a part of a Community.
Unconditional Positive Regard.
Listening Skills.
How to Follow Instruction.
Sensitivity Training.
What is a Young Pandas class?
All classes are lead by Sifu Ely or a qualified instructor.Kids will learn and participate in the forms, drills, and conditioning exercises of the Ving Tsun system.Class will start with a forms and conditioning warm up and progress into drills and lessons for 1 hour twice a week on Wednesday at 5:30pm and Saturdays at 1p.
How do I sign my child up?
Use the schedule at the bottom of this page to choose a day and time to attend a free class.